Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I just came back from STAR Cineplex to watch...heh..u've guess it...



Finally....a year plus of waiting finally come to an end a few hours ago. Innitially I was suppose to go and watch it with my friends this Friday. Coz were all having our exams and some of us still got a paper on Friday so I'm suppose to like....wait. But I can't any more coz I've been waiting for this movie to come out since last year and it has been my dream to watch it during the FIRST SHOW OF THE FIRST DAY. So I went to watch it by myself just now....of course with a pack cinema hall.

It is as what I've anticipated...plus some more. You should just go and watch it. The effects would blow ur mind away. But there were some scene and storyline that didn't go well with me. I'll give it an 8 out of 10. But I'm still going to watch it with my friends this Friday. There were some scene that I didn't really catch and some other I just love to watch again.

Any ways I just had my first paper yesterday and I have another one this coming Thursday...

Yeap...I still got a paper but I went to watch a movie insteadof studying.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Officially 25

So last Friday, 12th June was my 25th birthday. I'm officially 25 now. So what does that mean? Am I suppose to do sumtin about it?

Heh well for starters maybe I shud focus on finishing my studies since most people that know of my age have done so. I'm like the last of my kind. Going extinct here.. : )

On a more serious(seroius?... me?) note I was sitting at home most of the time on my birthday(REALLY MAN!) coz I didn't know what I'm suppose to do. Well I did went to campus in the afternoon and meet a few frens who did wished me 'happy birthday' and then I went to Dessert coz I've thought of rewarding myself on the day. Then meet another fren before heading home...by 8pm. So as I was looking at my own reflection in the mirror I wonder what am I suppose to do since I'm 25 now? ...get married?(owh..need a girlfren first) ....get a job? (hah haaaa.....need to graduate first)..

I'm 25 but I wonder why I still feel like I'm 15..... I wonder.
15 was a good year...PMR...freedom...easier education....

Talking bout education in 2 weeks time I'll be having my FINALS. Got a Communication Strategy paper and Interactive Multimedia Flash exam. And hopefully, after all that...I'm done with my studies.


And yet here I am doing this post.... : )