Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Movie Day : Outlander

After days of 'locking' myself inside my house for no apparent reason other than going for CNY visiting a friend's friends house, I finally went out on Wednesday to watch a movie. I wanted to watch Underworld 3 but ended up with Outlander.

Its about this space dude who's spaceship crashed on Earth in Norway during the time of the Vikings. Owh yeah....there were these 'dragon' type creature on board of his ship the it crashed so eventually he had to find the 'dragon' again with the help of the Vikings.

Its an okay movie for me...not that great. But there were some key points that interest me while watching this flick.

  • Movies about inter-galactic 'beings' from another planet coming to Earth is not rare to us. But I think this would be the first time 'they' came to Earth in a different era and not the present moment. (Vikings)
  • Some times I'm annoyed by certain alien flicks with 'aliens' that have a very good command of the English language. So I kinda love the concept of how this dude 'learned' the Norwegian English.

Watch it on a Movie Day, or don't even bother.

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