Friday, February 27, 2009

A Quickie in Limbang...

Nah...its not that type of quickie... Its just a short trip I'm going for along with mak, sis and Amie my nephew. The trip is just to send my sister back to Limbang coz there's where she lives with her husband. My sister is a primary school teacher and so does her husband who is a Limbang local. Last December she came back to Kuching coz she wanted to deliver her first child in Kuching. So now its time to go back to her husband's home. Amie was born on the 28th of December by the way.

Me and mak went along coz I'm suppose to be the luggage carrier while mak helps out looking after Amie. We left last Wednesday and will be coming back to Kuching on Saturday. So far there's nothing much to be done in this small town. There's only one shopping mall and it's more like Kuching's Center Point. The only thing keeping me from total boredom is my sis's broadband...which I'll definitely miss when I'm back in Kuching.

At least I finally gets to go out of Kuching for the holidays...even if it was just for a few days before the start of the new semester. ; )

Heh...not to mention I'm gonna miss the little crapper as well... : )


along.aggay said...

macam penah kamek nangga muka si kecik dalam gambar ya eh!

ktak bkan kazen o somehint in relationship dengan nick baboon^jadian ka??!?!

Rez said...

Uh? What!? Baboob ney plak tok? Sorry...sik kenal.