Thursday, December 11, 2008

Getting 'High' from Linctus

Yeah.. I do mean 'high' like what junkies always feels. I was sick since Monday but didn't bother to go to the clinic coz I thought the fever would fade away after a few days. But come Wednesday and the pain was getting worse.

I couldn't even get of my bed because of the sharp pain in my head every time I try to move. Even coughing or a sneeze would trigger the pain. I lost my appetite. Running nose... man....the state I was in. So later that day abah decided to bring me to the clinic.

We went to Klinik Bina, sum where near Choice Food Center. That was also where I was circumcised so I was hoping to meet the same doctor that turned me into a man coz that was the last time I went there. But instead that night it was a young gorgeous female doctor attending me. Heh...the sight of her made me feel a bit better.

Anyway I was sent home with a RM30 bill(which my mom paid for) and 3 medicines; sum pills for the headache, pills for the fever and my personal favourite... the cough syrup for the soar throat. The reason why I loved this medical concoction is because each time I take a dose, my head feels really 'lite'...if you know what I mean. Well... it did say on the manual that the concoction would result in drowsiness. And it did say that i was just suppose to take 10ml each dose instead of 15ml like what the clinic prescribe, so i guess i was over dosed. So the next day i've decided to lay off the cough syrup. Give it a day to detox then start again on the right dosage.

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