Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Year Ago I Had An Accident...

Date : Friday, 28th December 2007
Location : Taiping, Perak

I was going out with my Pak Su Pian who I just call Pian coz he's 2 years younger than me. Been calling him by his name since we were kids even though he's my uncle. We rode on his motorcycle. I was the passenger since I i have no idea how to ride a bike. ; )

It was around 10 where we were coming back from Taiping's TESCO. I've been staying inside most of the days and since the whole family went out this morning, I've decided to go out at night too. Earlier that day the two of us with mak and abah jalan-jalan around Taiping. Visiting relatives and tourist attractions. Late in the afternoon me and Pian went to Sepeneh for some old skool mandi sungai.

The journey back to home took about 30 minutes as our kampung was kinda far from town center. By the way my kampung is in Batu Kurau.

As usual Pian was speeding at 100kph. It didn't bother me much normally as we would end up okay...but not that night. When we almost reached our kampung Pian hit a hole in the middle of the road. At that speed the collision causes the bike to threw me off the seat. But I did fell on the seat again but with only half of my ass on it....I was sitting on the bike with my right leg being drag on the road.

Pian realizing that I was about to fall off the bike tried his best to pull me up, and so did I. But that attempt failed miserably as we both lost grip of each other and there I go...

My world was spinning as I was rolling on the road at godspeed. This time I was worried about the injuries from falling from the bike. One time I'm looking in front then the next it was the view behind...front and back, front and back for countless times. By this time my worries escalates when I had the back view because there were was cars coming from there's the possibility that the car behind would hit me too.

After a few seconds I stop rolling. On the bright side I was rolling into the other lane, the incoming lane. So this means I wont be hit by the cars behind me. But then the incoming traffic might. But I didn't get hit by the incoming traffics. It was 10+ by that time and living in the kampung, during those hours no one goes out any more. People are just rushing to go back home.

I felt pain through out my entire body. Still lying down I looked at myself. My arms and elbows was bleeding, so I guess some other parts is too. The cars that was behind me stop directly infront of me. The drivers came out and approached me. They help me to get up. They took off my helmet too. Luckily the helmet prevents me from having any injuries on my face.

Then Pian came. He was OK. He didn't crash or sumtin'. Instead he stop bit further from where I fell. He asked me;

"Apasal ko boleh jatuh plak?"

I replied by laughing and giving him a gentle slap on his face. It was gentle, so he laugh with me too. Seeing that both of us were okay the drivers went back to their cars and drove off. Me and Pian on the other hand went to sit at the bus stop. I still felt pain through out my body. Took my shirt off and realize that the road scraped off a piece of my left shoulder and my left elbow. Bleeding on my fingers and toes as well.

Even though I was in shock, I still rode on the bike home. Need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. When I reached home, abah was outside the house taking some fresh nite air. He was more axious about my incident compared to mak. Maybe she's just keeping it cool since I manage to came back.

Mak, Abah and Pian drove me to Taiping's Hospital. No stiches was done as my wounds wasn't that deep. But It hurts like hell when the nurse was cleaning my wounds. The left side of my body was the part that injured the most. Therefore I could only lie on my right side when I sleep...and when ever I lie down, which what I do most of the time. THIS WAS HELL! I never felt this type of discomfort through out my entire life. It took me 3 days to be able to walk proper ly with minor pain and by the next Wednesday, I was in Pavillion KL shopping. ; )

This was the first time I had a serious accident with this level of injuries. Surely something I'll never forget through out my entire life.

And that is why I'm celebrating this day with the futsal event. To remind me that I survived the ordeal and to see that my body still works properly.

To see that I am still alive.

To remind me that the Almighty gave me a chance to live.

1 comment:

Miguel 'Iban' Sampaio said...

Sorry I could not make it the other day...was caught in a few situations.. Anyway, if you guys have any futsal going on, just text me..happy new year..